Studio Dress Code & Etiquette
Dress Code
All Classes:
Hair should be pulled away from face and off the neck for all dance classes. All dance shoes should not be worn outside the studio space. Please no jeans, no crop tops, no midriffs at any time. All attire should be modest and age appropriate. If proper attire is not worn, students may not be able to participate in class.
Girls: Solid color leotard, pink or skin colored tights. Skirts may be worn if length falls above the knee. Pink ballet shoes.
Boys: Solid color short sleeve shirt or tank. Black pants/leggings. Black socks; black ballet shoes. No loose-fitting clothing please.
Girls: Any comfortable/appropriate dance top or any leotard with leggings or shorts. If wearing shorts, must be worn with tights.
Boys: Any comfortable dance attire they can easily move in. No pants that drag on the floor and no jeans please.
Shoes: Half-sole pirouette shoes recommended
Girls: Any comfortable/appropriate dance top or any leotard with leggings or shorts. If wearing shorts, must be worn with tights.
Boys: Any comfortable dance attire they can easily move in. No pants that drag on the floor and no jeans please.
Shoes: Split Sole Jazz Shoes required.
Comfortable clothing. Sneakers preferred. Baggy clothing is acceptable. Pants below the knee are suggested.
Tiny Ballet/Tap:
Girls: Any comfortable/appropriate dance top or any leotard with leggings or shorts. If wearing shorts, must be worn with tights.
Boys: Any comfortable dance attire they can easily move in. No pants that drag on the floor and no jeans please.
Shoes: Ballet shoes & Tap shoes required.
Tiny Jazz/Hip Hop:
Girls: Any comfortable/appropriate dance top or any leotard with leggings or shorts. If wearing shorts, must be worn with tights.
Boys: Any comfortable dance attire they can easily move in. No pants that drag on the floor and no jeans please.
Shoes: Split Sole Jazz Shoes required
Tiny Movement:
Girls: Any comfortable/appropriate dance top or any leotard with leggings, skirt or shorts. If wearing a skirt or shorts they must be worn with tights.
Boys: Any comfortable dance attire they can easily move in. No pants that drag on the floor and no jeans please.
Shoes: Ballet shoes required
Mommy & Me:
Girls: Any comfortable/appropriate dance top or any leotard with leggings, skirt or shorts. If wearing a skirt or shorts they must be worn with tights.
Boys: Any comfortable dance attire they can easily move in. No pants that drag on the floor and no jeans please.
Moms: Any comfortable attire they can easily move in. Socks, sticky socks, or dance shoes can be worn.
Shoes: Ballet shoes required
Studio Etiquette
Be Prepared
Please make sure to have all necessary items, such as shoes, clothes, water, etc with you upon entering class.
Arrive On Time
Please aim to arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled class time. This allows for a smoother transition between classes and limits distractions.
Respect Others
Please treat others as you would want to be treated. It is important to remember that we are a family and we must love one another, even when we don’t agree with them. Practice listening to understand, not listening to respond.
Limit Conversations to Before/After Class
Please raise a hand when there is a question. Do not talk over other students or the teacher. Give your full attention to learning.
Keep The Studio Clean
Please, no food or drinks (other than water) in the studio at any time. Remember to pick up after yourself. Additionally, make sure all of your belongings go home with you after class.
Handle Equipment With Care
Please remember the equipment used in class are not toys. Make sure to watch the teacher’s demonstration completely and ask questions before attempting to execute. It is important understand what is expected for safety purposes and to avoid injury.
Appropriate Attire Expected at All Times
Please ensure proper attire is worn at all times when representing our studio. Clothing should be clean, fit well, age appropriate and modest. Proper footwear is required in the studio. Absolutely no crop tops, short shorts, or midriffs in class, during performances, or studio events.